BiliTouch Phototherapy Blanket

BiliTouch Phototherapy Blanket

Intended for use in the treatment of infants diagnosed
with hyperbilirubinemia, commonly known as neonatal jaundice.

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Barber DME can aid you in securing your BiliTouch for you through your Tricare insurance.

Bili Touch

BiliTouch™ Phototherapy Blanket

The Motif BiliTouch™ phototherapy blanket is a biliblanket designed by healthcare professionals to treat newborn infants diagnosed with jaundice (hyperbilirubinemia). This portable, convenient phototherapy treatment device allows your patients to continue to hold, feed, and care for their baby while reducing high bilirubin levels at home.
  • Convenient, ultra-portable phototherapy treatment with battery-powered option
  • Patient-centered, lightweight design facilitates bonding with newborn infant
  • LED light source, no fiber optic cables for easy positioning

Key Features

  • Promotes mother and baby bonding
  • Whisper-quiet operation
  • Battery powered, light weight, ultra portable
  • LED light source, no fiber optic cables
  • Multiple light intensity levels
  • Adjustable shut-off timer
  • Wrist strap for safe carry
  • Designed for continuous operation

How the BiliTouch Can Help My Baby


Jaundice in newborns is caused by an accumulation of bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is a compound that results from the normal breakdown of red blood cells. In infants, the liver may not be mature enough yet to filter and get rid of the bilirubin in the blood. This bilirubin accumulation is what causes the characteristic yellow color, often noticeable on the skin and whites of the eyes.

Left untreated, newborn jaundice can result in a condition called kernicterus. Kernicterus is a type of brain damage that can result from elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood. It often manifests as athetoid cerebral palsy and hearing loss in babies. Kernicterus can also cause poor vision, dental issues, and learning disabilities. Early detection and treatment are key to preventing these devastating outcomes.

There are several potential causes of newborn jaundice. The three main ones are:

  • Prematurity before 37 weeks gestation
  • Difficulty feeding – either by breast milk or formula; or
  • Babies whose blood type isn’t compatible with the mother’s blood type.Other causes that are less common are: bruising at birth or other internal bleeding, liver problems, an infection, an enzyme deficiency, or an abnormal red blood cell condition.[4]While there is no real way to prevent all risk factors for newborn jaundice, routine prenatal care can help by ensuring that maternal blood type is tested to rule out the possibility of incompatibility, and to monitor for any conditions that might lead to premature birth.

Sometimes parents notice the change in skin tone themselves as jaundice worsens. Other signs and symptoms include:

  • Baby is hard to wake up (lethargic), or will not sleep at all
  • Is not breastfeeding or sucking from a bottle well.
  • Very fussy
  • Does not have at least 4-6 wet diapers in 24 hours or 3-4 stools per dayby the fourth day

Any of these symptoms are a reason to see the pediatrician for evaluation. For many infants, the high levels of bilirubin go away naturally as the baby’s liver develops. As baby feeds, this causes bilirubin to pass through the body – in most cases causing jaundice to disappear in two or three weeks.

Traditional, or fluorescent light phototherapy is accomplished by placing the baby under special blue-light bulbs, 15 to 20 cm away from the infant. This is usually done in the hospital, and baby must wear eye protection to protect the retinas.

Blanket phototherapy is done with a lighted pad placed under the baby. Sometimes this is used in combination with traditional therapy in the hospital. This is also the main type of phototherapy that can be done from home.

A comparative study published in the International Journal of Contemporary Pediatrics examined the effectiveness of halogen bulb therapy, fiber optic therapy, LED therapy, and various combinations.[6] Therapy was conducted in a consistent manner among term infants with high bilirubin levels. Bilirubin levels were checked via heel stick every 12 to 24 hours. The results revealed that:

The study concluded that the rate of bilirubin decrease is faster with two-sided LED phototherapy. This type of therapy also exhibited the advantages of less- frequent side effects, less energy consumption, longer life span, and lower costs. The authors concluded:

“LED phototherapy seems to be the better option than current conventional phototherapy and combination phototherapies.”

“Just as the name suggests, the BiliTouch allows the caregiver to hold, touch, and feed baby while providing ongoing LED phototherapy.”


Motif BiliTouch™ Biliblanket Features

The Motif BiliTouch™ is a versatile biliblanket phototherapy device with an LED light source to conveniently treat jaundice in the hospital or at home. Jaundice refers to high levels of bilirubin in the newborn infant’s red blood cells, which leads to a yellowing of the baby’s skin and eyes. Unlike conventional phototherapy systems that are stationary, the BiliTouch™ is designed to be mobile.


Using the Motif BiliTouch™

When a newborn infant is diagnosed with jaundice and prescribed phototherapy treatment, it’s important to provide new parents with a clinically proven device that is easy to use. The Motif BiliTouch™ offers a temperature sensor and an LCD display that clearly shows adaptor and battery status, remaining time, and light intensity. Operation is whisper quiet, featuring an LED light source and battery option for mobility. The result is a superior phototherapy treatment device that can be used in a variety of settings, going from hospital to home and fitting seamlessly into the newborn infant’s care.


Non-invasive Treatment of Neonatal Jaundice

Phototherapy has been recognized by healthcare providers and pediatricians as the gold standard in non-invasive treatment of neonatal jaundice for over thirty years. The treatment is applied by exposing the baby’s skin to blue light waves, which help to break up high levels of bilirubin in the baby’s blood. This quickly and safely reduces the yellowing appearance in baby’s eyes and skin. Phototherapy treatment eliminates the risk of harmful UV exposure associated with sunlight. The Motif BiliTouch™ provides multiple levels of light wave intensity, or irradiance. Newborn infants can undergo phototherapy treatment continuously if recommended by healthcare professionals, until yellow pigment in the skin and eyes is resolved and bilirubin levels reduced to levels deemed safe by the American Academy of Pediatrics.


Advances in Phototherapy

Hospital treatment of hyperbilirubinemia typically involves an undressed baby being placed under a stationary halogen light source or illuminator as healthcare providers monitor his or her condition. Advances in technology have led to the development of portable phototherapy devices, which can be used without physical separation from the new parents. These innovative devices ensure that dangerous levels of bilirubin can be treated as the baby is fed, held, clothed, diapered and cared for at home.

Come in to visit us, so we can serve you!

Come into one of our Barber DME stores to speak to one of our specialists so we can help you find the perfect home phototherapy solution for you.
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Ft. Stewart, GA 31314
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